Somatoform pain disorder is characterised by chronic pain without significant peripheral organic pathology. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, the current thesis aims elucidate the neural correlates of this psychosomatic disease.
During the construction of affective meaning as well as during as resting state, somatoform patients show alterations in medial-prefrontal, cingular, and insular structures.
These finding suggests that somatoform pain is associated with disrupted emotional processing owing to altered activation of empathetic-affective networks.
Somatoform pain disorder is characterised by chronic pain without significant peripheral organic pathology. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, the current thesis aims elucidate the neural correlates of this psychosomatic disease.
During the construction of affective meaning as well as during as resting state, somatoform patients show alterations in medial-prefrontal, cingular, and insular structures.
These finding suggests that somatoform pain is associated with disrupted emotional...