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Reaction mechanism for the oxidation of free silver dimers

Socaciu, L. D.; Hagen, J.; Heiz, U.; Bernhardt, T. M.; Leisner, T.; Woste, L.
The kinetics of the interaction of Ag2+ with O2 is studied in the gas phase under multi-collision conditions at various temps. A new exptl. scheme is employed, which consists of an octopole ion trap of variable temp. inserted into a tandem quadrupole mass spectrometer. From the time evolution of the reactant and product mol. concns. at different temps. the corresponding reaction mechanism is extd. Surprisingly, the product Ag2O+ is detected, which is formed after mol. adsorption and dissocn. of...     »
Activation energy Adsorption Adsorption kinetics Oxidation Oxidation kinetics Potential energy surface (reaction mechanism for oxidn. of free silver dimers) kinetics oxidn free silver dimer cation oxygen mechanism oxidn free silver dimer cation oxygen
Congress title:
CAN 135:171286 67-3 Catalysis, Reaction Kinetics, and Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Institut fur Experimentalphysik, Freie Universitat Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Journal 0009-2614 7782-44-7 (Oxygen); 12187-07-4 (Silver ion (Ag21+)) Role: PEP (Physical, engineering or chemical process), PRP (Properties), RCT (Reactant), PROC (Process), RACT (Reactant or reagent) (reaction mechanism for oxidn. of free silver dimers)
Journal title:
Chem. Phys. Lett.
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