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Ethylene Conversion to Ethylidyne over Pd(111): Revisiting the Mechanism with First-Principles Calculations

Document type:
Journal Article
Moskaleva, L. V.; Chen, Z. X.; Aleksandrov, H. A.; Mohammed, A. B.; Sun, Q.; Rosch, N.
On Pd(111), thermal activation of ethylene has been reported to yield ethylidyne. Using more approximate models, a plausible three-step mechanism, ethylene -> vinyl -> ethylidene -> ethylidyne, was recently proposed for this process on the basis of DFT calculations. We employed more elaborate computational models and characterized the thermodynamics and kinetics of the mechanism of ethylene conversion to ethylidyne on Pd(111). We carried out density functional slab-model studies for three covera...     »
Congress title:
ISI Document Delivery No.: 404EW Times Cited: 21 Cited Reference Count: 81 Moskaleva, Lyudmila V. Chen, Zhao-Xu Aleksandrov, Hristiyan A. Mohammed, Amjad Basha Sun, Qiao Roesch, Notker Roesch, Notker/C-1182-2010; Moskaleva, Lyudmila/D-1889-2012 Deutsche Forschungsgerneinschaft and Fonds der Chernischen Industrie (Germany) We thank Prof. J. A. Lercher for stimulating discussions and Dr. A. Genest for very valuable assistance with the calculations. Z.-X.C. is grateful to the Alexander von Humbold...     »
Journal title:
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
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