A large number of terms describing aspects of software quality, called quality attributes, are defined
by taxonomies in standards like ISO 9126 or ISO 25010. These definitions have come under
critique for being ambiguous, overlapping and incomplete. Based on our experience in quality
modeling, we developed a quality model, defining a hierarchy of quality attributes. It relies on
an activity-based paradigm and thus makes use of a clear decomposition criteria. We believe this
clearer decomposition solves some of the problems of other taxonomies.
A large number of terms describing aspects of software quality, called quality attributes, are defined
by taxonomies in standards like ISO 9126 or ISO 25010. These definitions have come under
critique for being ambiguous, overlapping and incomplete. Based on our experience in quality
modeling, we developed a quality model, defining a hierarchy of quality attributes. It relies on
an activity-based paradigm and thus makes use of a clear decomposition criteria. We believe this
clearer decompos...