In this thesis, two-photon calcium imaging was used to analyze the activity of mouse cortical networks with single cell resolution in the intact brain. This approach provided new insights into the early development of orientation and direction preference of mouse visual cortex neurons around the onset of vision. Furthermore, the impact of the amyloid-beta peptide on the functionality of visual cortex neurons was assessed at different ages in transgenic mice that carry mutations underlying familial forms of Alzheimer’s disease in humans. Taken together, these results identify mechanisms influencing neuronal circuit function under physiological and pathological conditions.
In this thesis, two-photon calcium imaging was used to analyze the activity of mouse cortical networks with single cell resolution in the intact brain. This approach provided new insights into the early development of orientation and direction preference of mouse visual cortex neurons around the onset of vision. Furthermore, the impact of the amyloid-beta peptide on the functionality of visual cortex neurons was assessed at different ages in transgenic mice that carry mutations underlying famili...