- Title:
Full surface inspection methods regarding reinforcement corrosion of concrete structures
- Document type:
- Zeitschriftenaufsatz
- Author(s):
- Reichling K.; Raupach M.; Broomfield J.; Gulikers J.; L'Hostis V.; Kessler S.; Osterminski K.; Pepenar I.; Schneck U.; Sergi G.; Taché G.
- Dewey Decimal Classification:
- 620 Ingenieurwissenschaften
- Journal title:
- Materials and Corrosion
- Year:
- 2012
- Journal volume:
- Vol. 63
- Journal issue:
- Issue 9
- Reviewed:
- ja
- Language:
- de
- WWW:
- http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/maco.201206625/abstract
- Status:
- Erstveröffentlichung
- Format:
- Text