This report describes work done during a research stay at Argonne National Laboratory from September to November 1999. It is about connecting components of the Globus metacomputing infrastructure developed at Argonne National Laboratory to the MIMO monitoring system developed at LRR-TUM. --- MIMO MIddleware monitor is built to enable easy connection of diverse middleware platforms. This is enabled by introducing a well defined interface for data collection components (``intruders''). This report shows how to realize an adapter for the Globus metacomputing infrastructure to MIMO, allowing to observe the behavior of several Globus components. As MIMO's interfaces are CORBA-based and Globus is completely implemented in C, an ORB providing a C language mapping was used for this purpose. With the resulting C-adapter for MIMO, exemplary instrumentations of the Globus gatekeeper and jobmanager components have been carried out in order to show the appropriateness of the approach. The C-adapter itself is kept generic and allows for usage with other C-based middleware platforms.