Christian Leuxner;Wassiou Sitou;Bernd Spanfelner;Veronika Thurner;Armin SchneiderModeling Work Flows For Building Context-Aware Applications200937
Klaus Bergner;Jan FriedrichModulare Spezifikation von Projektabläufen200927
Stefan Berghofer;Makarius Wenzel (Eds.)Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics --- Emerging Trends Proceedings200982
Maria Victoria Cengarle;Alexander KnappAn Institution for UML 2.0 Static Structures200814
Alexander Harhurin;Judith Hartmann;Daniel RatiuMotivation and Formal Foundations of a Comprehensive Modeling Theory for Embedded Systems200931
Martin Feilkas;Alexander Harhurin;Judith Hartmann;Daniel Ratiu;Wolfgang SchwitzerMotivation and Introduction of a System of Abstraction Layers for Embedded Systems200914
Simon Nestler;Manuel Huber;Gudrun KlinkerHybrid approach for management of patient-related information in mass casualty incidents200912
Stefan Birnkammerer;Wolfgang Woerndl;Georg GrohRecommending for Groups in Decentralized Collaborative Filtering200939
Jan Friedrich;Marco Kuhrmann;Andreas Rausch;Marc SihlingProceedings zur SEE 20092009531
Christian Waechter;Daniel Pustka;Gudrun KlinkerA Perspective Approach Toward Monocular Particle-based People Tracking200912