- Title:
Encoderless Control of Synchronous Machines with Permanent Magnets - Impact of Magnetic Design
- Document type:
- Konferenzbeitrag
- Contribution type:
- Vortrag / Präsentation
- Author(s):
- Kennel, R.
- Book / Congress title:
- OPTIM 2010, 12th International Converence on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment 2010
- Congress (additional information):
- Vortrag / Präsentation, 20.-21. 5. 2010, Brasov, Romania
- Year:
- 2010
- Quarter:
- 2. Quartal
- Year / month:
- 2010-05
- Month:
- May
- Reviewed:
- ja
- Language:
- en
- Semester:
- SS 10
- TUM Institution:
- Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Antriebssysteme und Leistungselektronik
- Format:
- Text
- BibTeX