Sim-to-Real Distribution-Aligned Dataset (S2R-DAD) for Domain Shift and Domain Adaptation Analysis. Includes 12000 labeled point clouds in total, whereas 6000 are captured during the Indy Autonomous Challenge in Las Vegas in 2022. The other subset of 6000 samples is generated in simulation and includes the same scenarios, objects, and environment as the real counterpart.
Each point cloud file contains the fused point clouds of three LiDAR sensors, covering 360deg horizontally in total. The labels for each point cloud are in the same format as the labels of the KITTI dataset.
Sim-to-Real Distribution-Aligned Dataset (S2R-DAD) for Domain Shift and Domain Adaptation Analysis. Includes 12000 labeled point clouds in total, whereas 6000 are captured during the Indy Autonomous Challenge in Las Vegas in 2022. The other subset of 6000 samples is generated in simulation and includes the same scenarios, objects, and environment as the real counterpart.
Each point cloud file contains the fused point clouds of three LiDAR sensors, covering 360deg horizontally in total. The lab...