Modern mechatronic Product-Service Systems (PSS), as a combination of mechanics, electrics, electronics, software and services, require an interdisciplinary system understanding and development process. During the development, each discipline uses specific modeling languages and tools, which focus on certain aspects of the system. However, much of the model information is commonly used in the different disciplines involved. Thus, it is inefficient to model these commonly used elements separately from scratch in every discipline and thereby keep the data of the system consistent. Therefore, in this paper a concept for an integration-framework is presented, which defines a specification of the relevant PSS elements and their attributes, in order to facilitate the crossdisciplinary use of model-information during the development process of mechatronic PSS.
Modern mechatronic Product-Service Systems (PSS), as a combination of mechanics, electrics, electronics, software and services, require an interdisciplinary system understanding and development process. During the development, each discipline uses specific modeling languages and tools, which focus on certain aspects of the system. However, much of the model information is commonly used in the different disciplines involved. Thus, it is inefficient to model these commonly used elements separately...