BAU Bauingenieurwesen, Vermessungswesen; MTA Technische Mechanik, Technische Thermodynamik, Technische Akustik
Resource type:
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations; Simulationen / simulations; Abbildungen von Objekten / image of objects; Statistik und Referenzdaten / statistics and reference data; Textdokumente / text documents
Data type:
Bilder / images ; Texte / texts; Tabellen / tables; Programme und Anwendungen / software and applications
The dataset contains necessary CT-scan image data, description of the tools and simulation outputs as reference. The dataset is used to perform fatigue life estimation based on the Finite Cell Method (FCM), average strain energy density approach and statistical techniques. The folders of the dataset contains README files to guide the reader further with additional metadata.
Method of data assessment:
The finite cell simulations were performed based on a C++ implementation of the method. An example implementation of the FCM can be found in . The inputs to the simulations are the CT-scan images in nifti format, and the insight toolkit (ITK, ) library was used to read the image data. Wolfram Mathematica was used to perform the statistical analysis. ITKSnap ( ) and ParaView ( ) were used to work with the CT-scan images.
Key words:
Lattice structures; Fatigue life estimation; Finite Cell Method; Strain Energy Density; micro-ct scanning