ELT Elektrotechnik; VER Technik der Verkehrsmittel
Resource type:
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations
Data type:
Tabellen / tables; Datenbanken / data bases
This data set contains cycle aging data from three automotive-grade NMC|Gr pouch cells (used in the VW ID.3) subjected to three different usage patterns over a duration of 3+ years. Please refer to the linked article for cell and measurement specifications. All measurements are provided as .txt files (raw files exported from the battery test system).
Method of data assessment:
The measurement data was recorded using a BaSyTec MRS battery test system. The raw data was converted to the .mat format with the LAB2MAT tool ( https://github.com/TUMFTM/EA_Battery_LAB2MAT ) available as an open-source on GitHub. Please refer to the linked article for details on the applied experimental techniques.
There is an update that includes the complete measurement data from the associated aging study. The missing files for the commuter scenario and 1C/1C cycling can be found in the updated dataset: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1755598