Generalized estimating equations (GEE) fit parameters based on sums of weighted
residuals, which may be applied for example to the Poisson distribution. We discuss
Generalized Poisson (GP) response data. This distribution has a more flexible variance
function than the Poisson distribution and has an additional dispersion parameter. To fit
this parameter, second level estimating equations based on covariance residuals are neces-
sary. This requires knowledge of variances of empirical covariances, which for most discrete
distributions except the binary cannot be derived from first level GEE. We approximate
them by a novel approach. We allow for regression on mean and overdispersion parame-
ters. In an application we deal with the outsourcing of patent filing processes. Exploratory
data analysis tools developed earlier by the authors are utilized to choose regression for
the dispersion parameters. For the given data, our approach will outperform longitudinal
Poisson regression and GP setups with constant dispersion.
Generalized estimating equations (GEE) fit parameters based on sums of weighted
residuals, which may be applied for example to the Poisson distribution. We discuss
Generalized Poisson (GP) response data. This distribution has a more flexible variance
function than the Poisson distribution and has an additional dispersion parameter. To fit
this parameter, second level estimating equations based on covariance residuals are neces-
sary. This requires knowledge of variances of empirical covaria...