Excessive mast cell mediator release may lead to anaphylaxis in patients with mastocytosis; however, the incidence, clinical features and trigger factors have not yet been analysed. In order to identify risk factors for anaphylaxis in mastocytosis, we prospectively determined incidence, severity, clinical characteristics and trigger factors for anaphylaxis in 120 patients. The incidence of anaphylaxis reported from patients with mastocytosis (33%) strongly exceeded that assumed for the general population. In children, anaphylactic reactions occurred only in those with extensive skin disease. Major perceived trigger factors were hymenoptera stings, food and medication. We could show that adult patients and children with extensive skin disease have an increased risk to develop severe anaphylaxis. Thus, an emergency set of medication should be considered in these patients even before their first anaphylactic reaction.
Excessive mast cell mediator release may lead to anaphylaxis in patients with mastocytosis; however, the incidence, clinical features and trigger factors have not yet been analysed. In order to identify risk factors for anaphylaxis in mastocytosis, we prospectively determined incidence, severity, clinical characteristics and trigger factors for anaphylaxis in 120 patients. The incidence of anaphylaxis reported from patients with mastocytosis (33%) strongly exceeded that assumed for the general...