TUM.Mobility. Strategy on Sustainable mobility at the Technical University of Munich within the Framework of TUM AGENDA 2030
Mobiliät; Mobility; Nachhaltigkeit; Sustainability; TUM; Technische Universität München; Technical University of Munich; TUM Agenda 2030
As part of TUM AGENDA 2030, this memorandum on TUM.Mobility outlines the potential of the key innovation fields defined under the future strategy TUM.THE ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITY. Innovation by Talents, Excellence, and Responsibility, with the specialized area “Sustainable Mobility • Intelligent Traffic and Transport Systems”.
Publisher: Technical University of Munich, The President, Arcisstrasse 21, 80333 Munich, www.tum.de
Contact: Prof. Gerhard Kramer, Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation, Technical University of Munich, Arcisstrasse 21, 80333 Munich, Tel. +49 89 289 25259, Fax +49 89 289 25260
TUM.Mobility: info@mobility.tum.de, www.mobility.tum.de
Design and layout: ediundsepp Gestaltungs mbH
Printing: Walch Druck Augsburg