How can you make sure that you get credit for all of your scientific publications?
Academic identity systems support the disambiguation of authors using unique identifiers and match scientific works to their authors. Using them will increase your visibility as an author. This webinar explains the concept of academic identity management and focuses on the main identity systems: ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author Identifier and Google Citations. You will find out which system is useful for you and how to create and maintain your author profiles.
Akademische Identitätssysteme unterstützen dabei, Autoren voneinander zu unterscheiden und sicher zu stellen, dass Publikationen korrekt zugeordnet werden. Die Verwendung von akademischen Identitätssystemen verbessert die Sichtbarkeit von Autoren. In diesem Webinar wird das Konzept des akademischen Identitätsmanagements vorgestellt. Die wichtigsten Systeme für Autorenprofile werden erläutert: ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author Identifier und Google Citations. Es wird gezeigt, wann der Einsatz eines solches Identitätsmanagements sinnvoll ist und wie man Autorenprofile erstellt und pflegt.
How can you make sure that you get credit for all of your scientific publications?
Academic identity systems support the disambiguation of authors using unique identifiers and match scientific works to their authors. Using them will increase your visibility as an author. This webinar explains the concept of academic identity management and focuses on the main identity systems: ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author Identifier and Google Citations. You will find out which system is useful for you...