Using Configural Frequency Analysis as a Person-Centered Analytic Approach in Criminological Research.
Stemmler, Mark; Heine, Jörg-Henrik
Configural Frequency Analysis (Krauth & Lienert, 1973; Stemmler & Heine, in press) and log-linear modeling (von Eye & Mun, 2013) are presented as person-centered analytic approaches for the analysis of categorical or categorized data in multiway contingency tables. Different kinds of Configural Frequency Analysis are presented: 1) First-order Configural Frequency Analysis, which is basically the analysis of a main effects log-linear model, 2) Prediction Configural Frequency Analysis, which defines one or more dependent variables. Next to explaining the statistical background of Configural Frequency Analysis the R-package ‘confreq’ (Heine, 2015) is presented, which is an easy to use tool for analyzing multiway contingency tables. The data examples are from the Erlangen-Nuremberg Development and Prevention Study (Lösel, Beelmann, Stemmler, & Jaursch, 2006, abbreviated as ENDPS). Configural Frequency Analysis broardens ones repertoire for analyzing data from quantitative criminological research.
Kongress- / Buchtitel:
16th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, (Advances in quantitative criminological research and methods II)