ERG Energietechnik, Energiewirtschaft; VER Technik der Verkehrsmittel
Resource type:
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations
Data type:
Tabellen / tables; Datenbanken / data bases
This data set contains measurement data from single-cell and multi-cell characterizations of coin cells to which potential production defects have been induced. All measurements are provided as .mat files.
Method of data assessment:
For instructions on the individual experimental techniques, please refer to the linked article. The measurement data was recorded using a BioLogic SAS BCS-815 battery cycler systems running BT-Lab v1.73 software and a BioLogic SAS VSP-3e potentiostat running EC-Lab v11.43 software. The raw data was afterwards converted to the .mat-file format with the LAB2MAT open-souce tool available on GitHub