Additionally to the emetic toxin cereulide, Bacillus cereus produces a variety of structurally closely related isoforms. After their chromatographic isolation the chemical structures of the isocereulides H–N was determined via accurate m/z, NMR-spectroscopy, MSn sequencing and post-hydrolytic UPLC-TOF-MS analysis. The to date suspected structure of isocereulide A was revised, the isocereulides H–N were tested for their biological activity on HEp-2 cells and a UPLC-MS/MS method for a parallel detection of the isocereulides A–N was implemented.
Additionally to the emetic toxin cereulide, Bacillus cereus produces a variety of structurally closely related isoforms. After their chromatographic isolation the chemical structures of the isocereulides H–N was determined via accurate m/z, NMR-spectroscopy, MSn sequencing and post-hydrolytic UPLC-TOF-MS analysis. The to date suspected structure of isocereulide A was revised, the isocereulides H–N were tested for their biological activity on HEp-2 cells and a UPLC-MS/MS method for a parallel det...