This paper proposes a new approach for planning the ultrawideband (UWB) system deployment based on statistical formulation of the amplitude of instantaneous electric field using the bidimensional transmission line matrix method TLM (Russer, 2000). The proposed algorithm uses the complex envoltory formulation of the simulated excitation in the TLM mesh to achieve a subresolution to describe the environment without compromising the accuracy of the path-loss for electromagnetic wave propagation in free-space. The two dimensional transmission line matrix power flow (TLMPF) is a numerical approach to make a statistical formulation for the RMS value of the discretized electric field mapped in the TLM mesh. The wide sense stationarity (WSS) characteristic of the electric field amplitude in the free space propagation, the path loss is computed using the correlation matrix of the TLM mesh. A numerical example considering a typical pico-cell in an indoor environment is presented. The simulation results were validated with the measurements using the central frequency (Durgin, 1998), the simulations are performed computing the pathloss in each point of the environment considering the material characteristics (epsivr and mur) of the existing obstacles in the area
This paper proposes a new approach for planning the ultrawideband (UWB) system deployment based on statistical formulation of the amplitude of instantaneous electric field using the bidimensional transmission line matrix method TLM (Russer, 2000). The proposed algorithm uses the complex envoltory formulation of the simulated excitation in the TLM mesh to achieve a subresolution to describe the environment without compromising the accuracy of the path-loss for electromagnetic wave propagation in...