BAU Bauingenieurwesen, Vermessungswesen; ERG Energietechnik, Energiewirtschaft
Quellen der Daten:
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations; Simulationen / simulations
Bilder / images; Texte / texts; Tabellen / tables; Programme und Anwendungen / software and applications
This publication contains additional data of the ethohydraulic tests conducted in the scope of the PhD Thesis titled "Fish protection and fish guidance at water intakes using innovative curved-bar racks"
fish guidance; fish guidance structure; downstream fish migration; fish protection; Ethohydraulics; fish passages; fish control structures; hydropower; run-of-river hydropower plant
Horizon 2020:
727830 - Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower, FIThydro (SBFI)