TUM JazzBand Jahreskonzert Januar 2020 / annual concert January 2020
Beschreibung (Caption):
Konzertbesucher während des Jahreskonzerts der TUM JazzBand im Audimax am Stammgelände in der Innenstadt im Januar 2020.
ENGLISH VERSION: Concert-goer during annual concert of TUM JazzBand in the Audimax at main campus.
Foto/Photo: Andreas Heddergott /TUM; Verwendung frei für die Berichterstattung über die TUM bei Nennung des Copyrights / Free for use in reporting on TUM, with the copyright noted
ENGLISH VERSION: TUM’s student big band during their annual concert in the Audimax at main campus in January 2020. For the first time with participation of Old’s School Bigband the jazz band consisting of academic teaching staff.