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Document type:
Clemons, Eric K.; Krcmar, Helmut; Hermes, Sebastian; Choi, Jeena
American Domination of the Net: A Preliminary Ethnographic Exploration of Causes, Economic Implications for Europe, and Future Prospects
European executives largely agree that American operators of online platforms dominate online business in the EU. There is less consensus on the reasons for American domination and on the possible economic consequences of this domination for the growth of EU business, or employment, for the strength of the EU economies, or for the national security of individual EU member states. With a series of interviews with German executives in a range of industries we examine opinions of the causes of Amer...     »
Book / Congress title:
52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019)
Congress (additional information):
Maui, Hawaii, USA
Mission statement: