Weingart, Maximilian; Chen, Siyu; Donat, Clara; Helmbrecht, Vanessa; Orsi, William D.; Braun, Dieter; Alim, Karen
Technical Universyity of Munich: Chen, Siyu; Donat, Clara; Alim, Karen Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München: Weingart, Maximilian; Helmbrecht, Vanessa; Orsi, William D.; Braun, Dieter MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization: Chen, Siyu; Alim, Karen
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations; Textdokumente / text documents
Bilder / images; Texte / texts
The dataset contains the raw data used in the publication “Alkaline vents recreated in two dimensions to study pH gradients, precipitation morphology and molecule accumulation”. The data provided includes the microscopy data and movie captured by black/white camera and by color camera.