Study of microbeam radiation therapy in-vitro at the Munich Compact Light Source
Karin Burger
Karin Burger, Katarina Ilicic, Martin Dierolf, Benedikt Günther, Dietrich W. M. Walsh, Ernst Schmid, Elena Eggl, Klaus Achterhold, Bernhard Gleich, Stephanie E. Combs, Michael Molls, Thomas E. Schmid, Franz Pfeiffer, Jan J. Wilkens
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations
Data type:
Tabellen / tables
Raw data of a microbeam radiation therapy study in-vitro at the Munich Compact Light Source: clonogenic cell survival and chromosome aberrations of normal tissue cells after microbeam, homogeneous, and sham irradiation.
The dataset is related to the publication