Experimental data: Experimental data was obtained by means of confocal microscopy (Nikon A1 confocal microscope with 25x water immersion objective and Leica Stellaris 8 confocal microscope with 20x air objective and 63x water objective) and data was analyzed, using the softwares PlantSeg, MorphographX and FIJI
Simulation data: The code was written both in MacOSX and Ubuntu, using the IDEs Eclipse and Visual Studio Code. The simulation executables were compiled in both MacOSX and Ubuntu using g++, including the libraries of GSL and NLopt.
Experimental data: Experimental data was obtained by means of confocal microscopy (Nikon A1 confocal microscope with 25x water immersion objective and Leica Stellaris 8 confocal microscope with 20x air objective and 63x water objective) and data was analyzed, using the softwares PlantSeg, MorphographX and FIJI
Simulation data: The code was written both in MacOSX and Ubuntu, using the IDEs Eclipse and Visual Studio Code. The simulation executables were compiled in both MacOSX and Ubuntu using g+...