ARC Architektur; BAU Bauingenieurwesen, Vermessungswesen; GES Geschichte; WER Werkstoffwissenschaften
zusätzliche Fachgebiete:
Denkmalpflege, Heritage Conservation
Quellen der Daten:
Textdokumente / text documents
Tabellen / tables
Methode der Datenerhebung:
Historical text documents/reports were collected from archives, technical data was collected from these resources and summarised in the table. Archives: Archiv Bauabteilung Röm.-Kath. Kirche in Basel-Stadt, Basel; Hausarchiv Liederhalle, Stuttgart
The table provides an overview and summary of historical measurement data originally collected in preparation for the repair of the exposed concrete facades of the Liederhalle Stuttgart and the Antoniuskirche Basel in the 1980s and 1990s.
Technical data on concrete quality, concrete cover and carbonation depth are summarised from archival documents and combined with the assessment and communication of the values by the parties involved at the time.