Supplementary data: Battery Pack Diagnostics for Electric Vehicles: Transfer of Differential Voltage and Incremental Capacity Analysis from Cell to Vehicle Level
ELT Elektrotechnik; ERG Energietechnik, Energiewirtschaft; VER Technik der Verkehrsmittel
Resource type:
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations
Data type:
Datenbanken / data bases
This datasets contains the measurement data recorded while performing extensive experiments using a VW ID.3 and a Tesla Model 3 (Long Range) for the battery diagnosis with DVA and ICA. The dataset includes (1) pOCV measurements on cell level from the battery laboratory, (2) pOCV measurements on vehicle level during AC charging, and (3) images for the analysis of the experimental data.
Method of data assessment:
For instructions on the individual experiments please refer to the linked article.