ERG Energietechnik, Energiewirtschaft; FER Fertigungstechnik
Quellen der Daten:
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations; Simulationen / simulations
mehrdimensionale Visualisierungen oder Modelle / models; Tabellen / tables; Datenbanken / data bases
Methode der Datenerhebung:
For instructions on the individual experiments please refer to the linked article. The measurement data was recorded using a BioLogic SAS BCS-815 battery cycler system (cell level), a BioLogic SAS VSP-3e potentiostat connected to a BioLogic SAS FlexP0060 Booster (module level) as well as a BaSyTec MRS 3-70V battery cycler system (module level). The proprietary data was subsequently converted to the .txt format.
This data set contains measurement data from four 21700 automotive grade battery cells as well as module level investigations (10s30p topology). Furthermore, the parameter identification scripts, the test procedures and the simulation model are provided.
For cell specifications and detailed information, please refer to the linked article. All measurement data are provided as .txt files.