BAU Bauingenieurwesen, Vermessungswesen; DAT Datenverarbeitung, Informatik; ELT Elektrotechnik; TEC Technik, Ingenieurwissenschaften (allgemein); VER Technik der Verkehrsmittel
Quellen der Daten:
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations; Statistik und Referenzdaten / statistics and reference data
Andere Quellen der Daten:
Manual creation for the model and automatic for the poses
mehrdimensionale Visualisierungen oder Modelle / models
Anderer Datentyp:
Industry Fundation Classes (IFC) and Revit model, and .TUM files with poses information
Methode der Datenerhebung:
3D geometric and semantic BIM model generated with Autodesk revit and the 6-degrees-of-freedom time-stammed poses resulted from our proposed SLAM2REF method:
The ConSLAM BIM and GT Poses comprehends the 3D building information model (in IFC and Revit formats), manually elaborated based on the terrestrial laser scanner of the sequence 2 of ConSLAM, and the refined grounth truth (GT) poses (in TUM format) of the sessions 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the open-access ConSLAM dataset. This dataset can be found here: