Real exhaust emissions, test cycles, test stand, combustion engine, tractor, biofuel
TUM classification:
LAN 700d
Abgasemissionen von Traktoren unter realen Bedingungen sind aufwendig zu erfassen und kaum erforscht. Die vorgestellte Methode der Praxisnahen Traktor-Fahrzyklen (PTFZ) ermöglicht den realen Motorbetrieb am Gesamtsystem Traktor auf einem Prüfstand vereinfacht nachzubilden. Damit lassen sich die Abgasemissionen unter wiederholbaren Bedingungen unabhängig von Witterung und Anbaugerät effizient bestimmen. Die Methode kann auch zur Entwicklung schadstoffarmer und klimafreundlicher Antriebe dienen.
Translated abstract:
Exhaust emissions of tractors under real conditions are difficult to measure and have barely been researched. With the presented method of practical tractor driving cycles (PTFZ) real-world engine operation can be simulated conveniently on the entire tractor system at a test stand. This allows efficient measurement of exhaust emissions under repeatable conditions regardless of weather conditions and implement. The method can also be used to develop low-emission and climate-friendly drive systems.
Exhaust emissions of tractors under real conditions are difficult to measure and have barely been researched. With the presented method of practical tractor driving cycles (PTFZ) real-world engine operation can be simulated conveniently on the entire tractor system at a test stand. This allows efficient measurement of exhaust emissions under repeatable conditions regardless of weather conditions and implement. The method can also be used to develop low-emission and climate-friendly drive systems...