MAS Maschinenbau; TEC Technik, Ingenieurwissenschaften (allgemein)
Quellen der Daten:
Simulationen / simulations; Logfiles und Nutzungsdaten / log files and usage data
Texte / texts; Tabellen / tables
Anderer Datentyp:
executables, source code, HDF
Methode der Datenerhebung:
3D direct numerical simulation results, using high-order essentially non-oscillating schemes and a sharp interface method (level-set) with conservative interface interaction. Post-processing with Paraview
This data set contains the simulation data, input files and post-processing files used in the publication "Jetting mechanisms in bubble-pair interactions".
For each figure in the paper that contains simulation results, the corresponding input files for the employed in-house code ALPACA together with the simulation result files are provided.
The post-processing files for paraview and an executable of ALPACA are provided in separate folders.