Floating Car Data (FCD) of taxis provides useful traffic information. Its handling needs effective analysis steps, including Map Matching (MM) onto road segments. Another challenge is to compute realistic FCD-based travel times in complex urban road networks with different elevation levels. We propose a method for inferring travel time variations in intersections of these networks. Based on intersecting recorded taxi trajectories in Euclidean space, we assign average travel time differences. Additionally, the same technique allows distinguishing between elevated and non-elevated road intersections in complex urban environment. In the end we test and evaluate the method with taxi FCD from Shanghai.
Floating Car Data (FCD) of taxis provides useful traffic information. Its handling needs effective analysis steps, including Map Matching (MM) onto road segments. Another challenge is to compute realistic FCD-based travel times in complex urban road networks with different elevation levels. We propose a method for inferring travel time variations in intersections of these networks. Based on intersecting recorded taxi trajectories in Euclidean space, we assign average travel time differences. Add...