Generalized network formulation has been shown here to be applied successfully to model a waveguide bend discontinuity. In general any complex electromagnetic problem space can first be partitioned into several subdomains whereby the subdomain relations of each region can then be obtained using a numerical or analytical techniques appropriate to the geometry. The topological relations of the subdomains are contained in the connection relations. Applying network concepts to hybridization of field analysis yields the following two significant advantages. Firstly, the problem of relative convergence is averted. Connection relations derived from discretized field-theoretical forms of Tellegen's theorem and Kirchoff's voltage and current laws ensure the setup of a wellconditioned linear system describing the topology between the subdomains. Secondly, employing tableau representation of the entire electromagnetic problem enables the construction of one sparse matrix containing all the subdomain and connection relations. Fast sparse-matrix algorithms can then be applied to solve the matrix equations efficiently. In this paper we employ Method of Moments (MoM) to derive subdomain network description of two partitioned subdomains of a waveguide bend discontinuity. Mode-Matching Technique (MMT) is applied here to establish the connection network between the two subdomains. Eventually tableau anaylsis of the entire discontinuity problem is demonstrated.