This paper presents a sampling technique to desigo a novel high-speed demultiplexer circuit for an optical receiver. A sampler-based 1:Z demultiplexer circuit is designed using Si Schottky diodes, fabricated employing thin film technology, and measured with a 43 GbiUs non-returnto- zero (NRZ) signal. The theory, simulations, and measurement results are presented. Also, an equalizer circuit is designed to reduce deterministic inter symbol iuterferenees using the peak distortion method, and its simulation result is illustrated.
This paper presents a sampling technique to desigo a novel high-speed demultiplexer circuit for an optical receiver. A sampler-based 1:Z demultiplexer circuit is designed using Si Schottky diodes, fabricated employing thin film technology, and measured with a 43 GbiUs non-returnto- zero (NRZ) signal. The theory, simulations, and measurement results are presented. Also, an equalizer circuit is designed to reduce deterministic inter symbol iuterferenees using the peak distortion method, and its si...