Methods based on solid phase micro-extraction in combination with gas chromatography and gas chromatography/olfactometry were developed to determine odor-active compounds in beet sugar, in intermediate products of the sugar production process and in ambient air. The parameters extraction time and sample temperature were optimized for the solid phase micro-extraction. By means of aroma dilution analysis, based on stepwise reduction of the exposition time, odor-active compounds could be determined. Selected compounds were quantified using isotope-labelled standards. Some odorants were shown to be formed in the course of the sugar production process, others are present throughout the process, and others are almost completely removed at certain steps but found again in the final sugar product owing to contamination e.g. by the ambient air.
Methods based on solid phase micro-extraction in combination with gas chromatography and gas chromatography/olfactometry were developed to determine odor-active compounds in beet sugar, in intermediate products of the sugar production process and in ambient air. The parameters extraction time and sample temperature were optimized for the solid phase micro-extraction. By means of aroma dilution analysis, based on stepwise reduction of the exposition time, odor-active compounds could be determined...