Two dose calculation approaches for mixed neutron-gamma fields applied in radiation oncology were investigated. The main goal was to enable 3D dose calculation for the fission based fast neutron therapy unit MEDAPP at the research reactor FRM II. While the investigated pencil beam kernels enable time efficient dose calculation on a patient CT, the considered Monte Carlo approach provides higher reliability in handling tissue heterogeneities and the option to model biological effects of neutron radiation. Verification measurements in water showed overall good agreement.
Two dose calculation approaches for mixed neutron-gamma fields applied in radiation oncology were investigated. The main goal was to enable 3D dose calculation for the fission based fast neutron therapy unit MEDAPP at the research reactor FRM II. While the investigated pencil beam kernels enable time efficient dose calculation on a patient CT, the considered Monte Carlo approach provides higher reliability in handling tissue heterogeneities and the option to model biological effects of neutron r...