In this clinical trial the correlation between right ventricular hypertrophy and right ventricular pressure is under examination. The heart catheter and the Magnetic Resonance Imaging are used as diagnostic principles. The aim is to be able to abdicate invasive measurements of pressure in the future in case a linear correlation exists. Additionally, different types of studies concerning limitations und results are discussed.
Generally, two forms of hypertrophy are differentiated: the concentric hypertrophy and the eccentric hypertrophy. The reason for a concentric hypertrophy is an increased pressure overload; the reason for an eccentric hypertrophy is an increased volume overload. Consequently, a dysfunction of the demand and offer of myocardial oxygen develops. It leads to a diastolic and systolic dysfunction. In the long term these consequences will end in a cardiac insufficiency.
All probands in this clinical trial suffer from congenital heart defects. In this study just congenital heart defects with increased right ventricular pressure and volume are described. Congenital heart defects with a right-left-shunt are regarded separately from defects without a shunt.
The measurements result from Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Its main importance is the determination of cardial anatomy and of myocardial function, the measure of blood flow and the quantification of shunts. The heart catheter is used to measure the right and left ventricular pressure. These measured data from the heart catheter are already existent in this study.
21 probands between 6 und 43 years are involved in this clinical trial. All suffer from a congenital heart defect which causes an increased right ventricular pressure. In the Magnetic Resonance Imaging, the myocardial right ventricular mass is measured. Therefore a plan is built: an axial cross section through the heart in the four chamber view is loaded in the 3D-Viewer. In this 3D-Viewer three visual axes are represented: the vertical long axis, the horizontal long axis and the short axis. After this planning, the right ventricular is reconstructed from the tricuspid valve to the cardiac apex in a layer thickness of 8mm. In the Program Argus© (Siemens, Erlangen in Germany) we just have a look at the right ventricle. The endocardium and the border between endocardium and lumen, with and without the cardiac septum, are marked. Following this, the program can estimate the ventricular volumes and the right ventricular myocardial mass. For a better comparison, the measurements refer to the surface of the body. The measurements are analyzed in Microsoft Excel. The measured myocardial mass (with and without cardiac septum) is related to the division of the systolic right and left ventricular pressure.
Several groups differenciated: all probands together, men and women, age over and under 18 years. A linear correlation between right ventricular hypertrophy and right ventricular pressure could not be proved in any group. So we cannot suggest from the degree of hypertrophy to the height of the pressure.
However, these results have to be discussed controversially. This work is a clinical trial. On the contrary, there are many studies using animals as probands which refute the thesis. In these studies a linear correlation or a significant relationship between the ventricular hypertrophy and ventricular pressure could be proved. Consequently, there may be other relevant factors like genes - or environmental factors. Besides, in clinical trials the probands have a different age and disease genesis. Studies with animal experiments can be organized under standardized and homogeneous conditions. Furthermore, the amount of probands is very different, there are much more animals used. Moreover, the used method is variable: only imaging and non-invasive techniques can be used on humans. In studies with animals exact anatomically examinations are possible.
In this clinical trial the correlation between right ventricular hypertrophy and right ventricular pressure is under examination. The heart catheter and the Magnetic Resonance Imaging are used as diagnostic principles. The aim is to be able to abdicate invasive measurements of pressure in the future in case a linear correlation exists. Additionally, different types of studies concerning limitations und results are discussed.
Generally, two forms of hypertrophy are differentiated: the concentric...