Both tumor antigens (TAAs), which induce anti-tumor-immune responses, and imunosuppressive factors, like regulatory T cells (Treg), which contribute to loss of tumor immunity, play an important role in the development of cancer. This study investigates the frequency of Treg, the immune response to a set of certain TAAs, the influence of Treg on these immune responses, the changes of these parameters during standard treatment and the TAA-specifictiy of Treg in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer (UC). Five TAAs could be identified as immunologically relevant for the UC and as possible therapy targets. The existence of TAA-specific Treg was varified.
Both tumor antigens (TAAs), which induce anti-tumor-immune responses, and imunosuppressive factors, like regulatory T cells (Treg), which contribute to loss of tumor immunity, play an important role in the development of cancer. This study investigates the frequency of Treg, the immune response to a set of certain TAAs, the influence of Treg on these immune responses, the changes of these parameters during standard treatment and the TAA-specifictiy of Treg in patients with muscle invasive bladde...