The competitiveness of young beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce plants (Picea abies) was analysed using cost/benefit ratios (efficiency ratios) related to (1) the efficiency of space sequestration (i.e. occupied aboveground space per unit of resource investment, e.g. biomass), (2) efficiency of resource gain (i.e. resource acquisition per unit of resource investment or occupied above or belowground space) and, (3) efficiency of running costs in terms of respiration and transpiration per unit of sequestered above and belowground space for sustaining the structural functionality related to competition. In 1998, two and three-year-old beech and spruce individuals, respectively, were planted in mixed and monocultures in containers that were filled with forest soil. Although each container was harboured with 20 trees, and measurements were concentrated on the six central plants. In 1999 and 2000, the containers were placed into the phytotrons at ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations in combination with ambient (1xO3) and twice-ambient (2xO3) ozone levels, resulting in four CO2/O3 gaseous regimes. Elevated levels of CO2 and O3 were used as disturbants to provoke changes in growth and resource allocation in order to more readily distinguish and derive underlying mechanisms of relevance for competitiveness from plant response. Four hypotheses were tested: (1) the competitiveness of beech rather than spruce is affected by the elevated O3 regime, whereas (2) spruce profits from the increase in resource availability (CO2) in mixed culture. However, (3) tree responses to CO2 and O3 depend on the type of competition (i.e. intra or interspecific). (4) The competitive ability of plants can be characterized and quantified in terms of the introduced efficiency ratios of competitiveness. In the studied plant systems, spruce was a better competitor than beech. After two growing seasons in the phytotrons, beech plants in mixed plantation showed significant reduction in above- and belowground biomass, seasonal biomass increments and crown volume as compared with beech in monoculture. In contrast, spruce tended to increase its total biomass in the presence of beech, especially under +CO2. The results confirmed hypothesis 1: Beech was more sensitive to the enhanced O3 regime than spruce. In 1999, beech plants in monoculture increased the number of leaves and foliage area under elevated O3, while no changes were observed in mixed plantation. One year later, beech plants under +O3 reduced most growth parameters as compared with individuals in the gaseous control regime. The reductions were larger in mixed than in monoculture. These results suggest a higher susceptibility to ozone of beech in mixed culture, confirming hypothesis 3. Contrasting with beech, spruce did not respond to the enhanced O3 regimes. Also the responses of beech to enhanced CO2 varied depending on the plantation type (confirming hypothesis 3). In 1999, the number of leaves, foliage area and shoot biomass of beech were stimulated under +CO2 in mono but not so in mixed culture. In 2000, elevated CO2 led to reduced beech growth in both plantation types, however, reductions were larger in mixed culture. On the other hand, spruce profited from the enhanced CO2 by increasing its total biomass in mixed plantation, which was supportive of hypothesis 2. One major outcome was that competition modified tree responses to CO2 and O3 and that, vice-versa, these two gases influenced the competitive ability of the trees. The efficiency ratios proved to be adequate for characterizing competitiveness (confirming hypothesis 4). The competitive disadvantage of beech in mixed culture was not related to the C gain efficiency. Its lower competitiveness in the presence of spruce was rather related to a reduced efficiency in aboveground space sequestration. In 2000, beech displayed smaller crown volumes per unit of shoot biomass in mixed as compared with plants in monoculture, and the running costs for sustaining occupied crown volume in terms of foliage respiration and transpiration were, in general, slightly higher in mixed plantation. Spruce, in contrast, showed similar efficiencies in C gain and running costs in both plantation types and tended to enlarge its space sequestration in mixed plantation. Regarding belowground structures, beech plants responded to the interspecific competition by enhancing specific fine-root length (SRL). Despite the higher SRL of beech in mixed culture, its capability to sequester and retain nutrients (calculated as whole-plant content of N and P per unit of root biomass) was in general lower in mixed than in monoculture. In conclusion, the decisive parameter in determining competitive success is, at least in juvenile beech of this case study, related to the ability of enlarging the crown volume at low structural costs.
The competitiveness of young beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce plants (Picea abies) was analysed using cost/benefit ratios (efficiency ratios) related to (1) the efficiency of space sequestration (i.e. occupied aboveground space per unit of resource investment, e.g. biomass), (2) efficiency of resource gain (i.e. resource acquisition per unit of resource investment or occupied above or belowground space) and, (3) efficiency of running costs in terms of respiration and transpiration per unit o...