Within a prospective study, the process of ambulatory anesthesia in children in the way of a fast-track-protocoll within a concept of one-stop-surgery is described, evaluated and critically reviewed, along with some suggestions of aspects to be improved. Pediatric anesthesia in an ambulatory setting appears to be a complex, multi-factorial but save procedure. To be effective in work-flow and costs, many medical as well as logistic aspects have to be taken into consideration and have to follow strict algorithms in order to perform savely. Ambulatory fast-track-anesthesia in children undergoing outpatient surgery allows the little patients to enter their normal environment more quickly than in an in-hospital setting. Recovery and restore of normal living circumstances follows also more quickly, leading to a much more satisfied patient as well as much more satisfied parents. Responsibility and compliance af the little patients´ parents instead is also an aspect to be considered. The treatment of PONV and pain after home readyness and dismissal have to be taken into the anesthesiologsts´ consideration even more, because of the little influence on it after dismissal. The anesthesiologist bears a key-role in this whole process of ambulatory fast-track-anesthesia in children, beeing physician, manager and instructor in one person, in order to archieve maximum savety, maximum effectiveness and patients´ and parents´ maximum satisfaction.
Within a prospective study, the process of ambulatory anesthesia in children in the way of a fast-track-protocoll within a concept of one-stop-surgery is described, evaluated and critically reviewed, along with some suggestions of aspects to be improved. Pediatric anesthesia in an ambulatory setting appears to be a complex, multi-factorial but save procedure. To be effective in work-flow and costs, many medical as well as logistic aspects have to be taken into consideration and have to follow st...