DAT Datenverarbeitung, Informatik; GEO Geowissenschaften
Other subject areas:
Remote Sensing; Machine Learning; Population Modelling
Resource type:
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations; Statistik und Referenzdaten / statistics and reference data
Data type:
Bilder / images; Texte / texts
A comprehensive data set for population estimation in 106 European cities. The final data set consists of two parts: So2Sat POP Part 1 and So2Sat POP Part 2. So2Sat POP Part 1 comprises local climate zone, land use classifications, nighttime lights in combination with multi-spectral Sentinel-2 imagery, and data from the Open Street Map initiative. So2Sat POP Part 2 consists of the digital elevation model.
Remote sensing; deep learning; population estimation; population modelling; data fusion; gridded population distribution mapping; large‐scale population mapping; dasymetric modelling; sustainable development