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RILEM TC 304-ADC ILS-mech Study Plan

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Publication date:
Freek Bos
Freek Bos, Viktor Mechtcherine, Nicolas Roussel, Costantino Menna, Rob Wolfs, Hélène Lombois-Burger, Bilal Baz, Daniel Weger, Sandro Moro, Behzad Nematollahi, Manu Santhanam, Yamei Zhang, Shantanu Bhattacherjee, Zijian Jia, Yu Chen
Author affiliation:
Freek Bos – TU München
Viktor Mechtcherine – TU Dresden
Nicolas Roussel – Gustave Eiffel University
Costantino Menna – University of Naples Federico II
Rob Wolfs – TU Eindhoven
Hélène Lombois-Burger – Holcim Innovation Center
Bilal Baz – Holcim Innovation Center
Daniel Weger – Ingenieurbüro Schiessl Gehlen Sodeikat GmbH
Sandro Moro – Master Builders Solutions
Behzad Nematollahi – University of Sheffield
Manu Santhanam – Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Yamei Zhang – Southeast University
Shantanu Bhattacherjee – Tvasta Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd.
Zijian Jia – Southeast University
Yu Chen – TU Delft
End date of data production:
Subject area:
ARC Architektur; BAU Bauingenieurwesen, Vermessungswesen; WER Werkstoffwissenschaften
Resource type:
Textdokumente / text documents
Other resource types:
The data has been sourced from discussions in an expert group (i.e. the authors), and has been approved by a large RILEM TC (>150 members).
Data type:
Sonstiges / other
This set of documents described in detail the procedure for the Interlaboratory Study on mechanical properties of additively manufactured cementitious materials (ILS-mech) initiated by the RILEM Technical Committee 304-ADC Assessment of Additively Manufactured Concrete Materials and Structures. This Study Plan is an updated version of the original Study Plan, in which a number of corrections have been processed. The Study Plan consists of 8 documents:
1. General Information on the study (this document): RILEM TC ADC_ILS-mech1_1general information.pdf
2. Experimental Program overview: RILEM TC ADC_ILS-mech1_2exp program.pdf
3. Specimen Preparation instructions: RILEM TC ADC_ILS-mech1_3spec prep.pdf
4.-8. Test Specifications: RILEM TC ADC_ILS-mech1_4compression.pdf; RILEM TC ADC_ILS-mech1_5flexural.pdf; RILEM TC
ADC_ILS-mech1_6splitting.pdf; RILEM TC
ADC_ILS-mech1_7tension.pdf; RILEM TC ADC_ILS-mech1_8E-modulus.pdf.
Method of data assessment:
see under Addtional Resource Types
Key words:
additive manufacturing of concrete; 3d concrete printing; 3dcp; test protocol; compression; bending; flexure; splitting; tension; E-modulus
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