This master's thesis investigates the change in work in the hospital as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose we conducted qualitative guided interviews with five nurses from a COVID-19 isolation ward and three employees from the nursing and isolation ward management. By coding and categorizing the data we derived daily care work in the hospital under the influence of protective measures as the core category of the examination.
Using the grounded theory methodology, integral components of the process of change in work in the hospital could be identified while their causal relationships could be visual-ized in a paradigmatic model. It became evident that the COVID-19 pandemic, as a causal condition, requires the implementation of protective measures in daily care work, which are particularly noticeable in the interaction and communication with patients, colleagues, and superiors. As a result, those involved develop strategies and solutions for dealing with daily care work under protective precautions, which in turn are influenced by intervening conditions such as the dynamics of the pandemic, as well as logistical and organizational challenges. On the one hand, this has positive consequences, such as in-creased efficiency and hygiene in certain work processes, as well as an increase in knowledge, routine, and experience. On the other hand, negative consequences reveal themselves in an increased psychological and physical feeling of stress on the part of those involved. In addition, the survey showed that the affected workers struggle with conflicting goals and risks between compliance with protective measures and professional performance of adequate care work.
This master's thesis investigates the change in work in the hospital as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose we conducted qualitative guided interviews with five nurses from a COVID-19 isolation ward and three employees from the nursing and isolation ward management. By coding and categorizing the data we derived daily care work in the hospital under the influence of protective measures as the core category of the examination.
Using the grounded theory methodology, integral compo...