Scoping the Market for Fish-friendly Hydropower Technologies: Recent developments, future expectations
FIThydro Market Conditions Brief
Report / Forschungsbericht
McDonald, Hugh; Anzaldúa, Gerardo
Hydropower remains essential to achieve Europe's climate commitments. At the same time, the sector must innovate to decrease its negative impacts on Europe's rivers and freshwater fish. This FIThydro Brief, assesses the current and future demand for fish-friendly hydropower in Europe. It concludes that EU and national policy and economic developments offer a chance to innovate and address rising social and environmental concerns about hydropower's negative impacts.
hydropower; fish populations; financing; stakeholders; participatory process; acceptance; decision support system; mitigation measures; Scandinavia; France; Belgium; Alps; Iberian Peninsula; Europe
Fischfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower
Horizon 2020:
grant agreement no. 727830 – Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower, FIThydro