Ranging from substantial CO
2-emissions and harmful air pollutants to extensively
congested cities, urban transportation is encountering multi-layered challenges at the
present time. Locally, the city of Munich is faced by serious congestion, deficient air
quality as well as comprehensive demographic and economic growth.
The recently emerged approach of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) claims to be a gamechanger
in pushing the transition towards sustainable mobility. Through user-centrism,
digital access and service bundling, it promises to disrupt the paradigm of carownership.
However its impact is widely vague, by gaining momentum it could
even play a role in Munich to cope with transport-related issues.
In order to properly drive and frame MaaS in Munich, the thesis provides a preliminary
evaluation and presents a framing concept. For this purpose, carried out qualitative
research is adopted into a conceptual design process. Initially, the study gained a
fundamental knowledge base on inherent characteristics by guided interviews with
international experts. Complemented by literature review and case studies, scheme
requirements, promoting drivers as well as sustainability criteria were elaborated.
Combined with local stakeholder insights and desk research, those MaaS characteristics
served as basis for a design proposal and recommended fields of action in Munich.
Among others, crucial scheme attributes are an outstanding role of public transport,
apposite regulation and high user acceptability. The thesis suggests twelve activities to
pave the way for a desirable local MaaS development, which includes public transport
extension, a participative vision and open data efforts of prime importance.
Concluding, MaaS does have the potential to positively contribute to a sustainable
urban transportation system. Decisive is how it unfold and who it drives. Hence, a
design-oriented and strategic framing process for Munich is proposed.
Ranging from substantial CO
2-emissions and harmful air pollutants to extensively
congested cities, urban transportation is encountering multi-layered challenges at the
present time. Locally, the city of Munich is faced by serious congestion, deficient air
quality as well as comprehensive demographic and economic growth.
The recently emerged approach of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) claims to be a gamechanger
in pushing the transition towards sustainable mobility. Through user-centrism,