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Publication date:
Alim, Karen
Meigel, Felix J. ; Darwent, Thomas ; Bastin, Leonie ; Goehring, Luas ; Alim, Karen
Author affiliation:
TUM ; MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization; MPI for the Physics of Complex Systemes; School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University
Data underlying the publication: Dispersive transport dynamics in porous media emerge from local correlations
End date of data production:
Subject area:
PHY Physik
Resource type:
Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations; Simulationen / simulations; Textdokumente / text documents
Data type:
Bilder / images; Texte / texts; Tabellen / tables; Programme und Anwendungen / software and applications
The dataset contains code and raw data used in the publication "Dispsersive transport dynamics in porous media emerge from local correlations". The provided code allows the generation of porous media patterns used in the publication and to run dispersive spread simulations in porous media. A mathematica notebook is included to allow the tracktability of the calculations performed in the publication. The data provided includes the microscopy data used to measure the width of the dispersive front...     »
Method of data assessment:
For fluorescent imaging of the concentration experiments, filter cube 38 HE (excitation 470/40 nm, emission 525/50 nm (wavelength/bandwidth)) was used. We used flourescein at a concentration of 150 μM.

Fluorescence imaging for the PIV data was done at 18.18 fps with a 5 ms exposure and a 63 HE filter cube (excitation 572/25 nm, emission 629/62 nm (wave-length/bandwidth)) at 2048 × 2048 pixel resolution; typical flow speeds were 1-10 pixels/frame. Fluorescent 1 μm polystyrene microspheres(FluoSpheres, ThermoFisher Scientific) were used as tracers, diluted to a 1:3750 volume ratio and pumped through the microfluidic chips at 100 μl/h. We used PIVLab to analyse the median-subtracted, masked image sequences, using default settings and successive interrogation areas of 64/32/16/8 pixels. The reported velocity maps are frame averaged over sequences of ∼300 frames.

Simulation data was created in Matlab R2020a.
Key words:
porous media; fluid dynamics; microfluidics; transport; statistical physics
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