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D. Ramos, João Rafael; Alim, Karen; Maizel, Alexis
Software for simulation in publication: Auxin-mediated stress relaxation in pericycle and endoderm remodelling drive lateral root initiation

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Carniello, Paolo; Ferreira, Filipe M.
Nonlinearity Coefficients of Multimode Fibers

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Kohl, Georg; Chen, Li-Wei; Thuerey, Nils
Benchmarking Autoregressive Conditional Diffusion Models for Turbulent Flow Simulation

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Tröger, Lucas; Alim, Karen
Migration of plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum on plain agar and SDM agar

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Schick, Lisa; Kramar, Mirna; Alim, Karen
Data underlying the publication: Dynamic cost allocation allows network-forming forager to switch between search strategies

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Ulanowski, Alexander; Früh, Johannes; Salamon, Fabian; Holzäpfel, Adrian; Reiserer, Andreas
Spectral Multiplexing of Rare-Earth Emitters in a Co-Doped Crystalline Membrane

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Guo, Renjun (1); Xiong, Qiu (2); Ulatowski, Aleksander (3); Li, Saisai (4); Ding, Zijin (4); Xiao, Tianxiao (1); Liang, Suzhe (1); Heger, Julian E. (1); Guan, Tianfu (1); Jiang, Xinyu (1); Sun, Kun (1); Reb, Lennart K. (1); Reus, Manuel A. (1); Chumakov, Andrei (7); Schwartzkopf, Matthias (7); Yuan, Minjian (4); Hou, Yi (5,6); Roth, Stephan V. (7,8); Herz, Laura M. (3,9); Gao, Peng (2); Müller-Buschbaum, Peter (1,10)
Trace water in lead iodide affecting perovskite crystal nucleation limits the performance of perovskite solar cells

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Weingart, Maximilian; Chen, Siyu; Donat, Clara; Helmbrecht, Vanessa; Orsi, William D.; Braun, Dieter; Alim, Karen
Data underlying the publication: Alkaline vents recreated in two dimensions to study pH gradients, precipitation morphology and molecule accumulation

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Imig, Anne; Augustin, Lea; Groh, Jannis; Pütz, Thomas; Elsner, Martin; Einsiedl, Florian; Rein, Arno
Fate of herbicides in cropped lysimeters: 2. Leaching of four maize herbicides considering different processes

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Imig, Anne; Augustin, Lea; Groh, Jannis; Pütz, Thomas; Zhou, Tiantian; Einsiedl, Florian; Rein, Arno
Fate of herbicides in cropped lysimeters: 1. Influence of different processes and model structure on vadose zone flow