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Appendix_B_Chapter_3: Harrieder, Eva-Maria; Kretschmer, Fleming; Dunn, Warwick; Böcker, Sebastian; Witting, Michael
Appendix_D_Chapter_5: Harrieder, Eva-Maria

External appendix of the dissertation "Transferable retention time prediction for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based metabolomics"

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Harrieder, Eva-Maria; Kretschmer, Fleming; Böcker, Sebastian; Witting, Michael
External appendix of the dissertation "Transferable retention time prediction for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based metabolomics"

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Klein, Andreas Sebastian; Leiss-Maier, Florian; Mühlhofer, Rahel; Boesen, Benedikt; Mustafa, Ghulam; Kugler, Hannah; Zeymer, Cathleen
A de novo metalloenzyme for cerium photoredox catalysis

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Genze,Nikita (1;2); Vahl, Wouter K. (4); Groth, Jennifer (4); Wirth, Maximilian (1;2); Grieb, Michael (5); Grimm, Dominik G. (1;2;3)

Manually annotated and curated dataset of diverse weed species in maize and sorghum for computer vision

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Grashei*, Martin(1), Wodtke*, Pascal (1); Skinner, Jason G.(1); Sühnel, Sandra (1); Setzer, Nadine (1); Metzler, Thomas (2); Gulde, Sebastian (3); Park, Mihyun (4); Witt, Daniela (4); Mohr, Hermine (3); Hundshammer, Christian (1); Strittmatter, Nicole (4); Pellegata, Natalia S. (3,5); Steiger, Katja (2); Schilling, Franz (1,6,7)
*These authors contributed equally

Simultaneous Magnetic Resonance Imaging of pH, Perfusion and Renal Filtration using Hyperpolarized 13C-labelled Z-OMPD

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Imig, Anne; Augustin, Lea; Groh, Jannis; Pütz, Thomas; Elsner, Martin; Einsiedl, Florian; Rein, Arno
Fate of herbicides in cropped lysimeters: 2. Leaching of four maize herbicides considering different processes

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Imig, Anne; Augustin, Lea; Groh, Jannis; Pütz, Thomas; Zhou, Tiantian; Einsiedl, Florian; Rein, Arno
Fate of herbicides in cropped lysimeters: 1. Influence of different processes and model structure on vadose zone flow

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Skinner, Jason G.; Topping, Geoffrey J.; Nagel, Luca; Heid, Irina; Hundshammer, Christian; Grashei, Martin; van Heijster, Frits H. A.; Braren, Rickmer; Schilling, Franz
Hyperpolarized Pyruvate-Lactate bSSFP and Anatomical MRI of Mice

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Krämer, Patrick; Baier, Benedikt; Landerer, Niklas; Griessel, Alexander; Hohlfeld, Oliver; Blenk, Andreas; Mieth, Martin; Kellerer, Wolfgang
A comprehensive dataset of website traffic

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Smolka, Alexander ;Nikolic, Dragan ;Gscheidle, Christian ;Reiss, Philipp
Lunar Hydrogen Exosphere Predictions